Vaping Laws: How Old Do You Need to Be to Vape

The change in tobacco purchase laws in these states has also raised the legal age to vape, as e-cigarettes present a particularly vexing problem for legislators.

Public health officials, medical experts, and legislators have a different opinion regarding the safety of e-cigarettes and even nicotine-free e-liquids. The lack of consensus on what e-cigarettes represent, an alternative to bad habits or public health disaster, has led to uneven adoption of vaping laws.

While one side defends the potential usefulness of e-cigarettes in helping adult smokers, the other opposes the potential for e-cigarettes to make a new generation addicted to nicotine.

Since chronic exposure to nicotine can have long-lasting effects on the brain, it makes sense for young adults to avoid nicotine.

The gray area is if vaping age should only apply to nicotine-based vaping juices and the aforementioned 0’s should be allowed.

Even the imposition of age limits on buying e-cigarettes has divided many. Experts in the field have spoken out both for and against age restrictions, further confusing what should (or should not) be done with e-cigarettes and the impact they have on society as a whole.

One thing is for sure, if parents want their kids not to vape, then parents who need to stop vaping need to be more discreet about it. Children will end IQOS UAEĀ 
up adopting the habits of their parents no matter what they are.
Vaping is in a kind of gray area when it comes to regulating it as a smoking product. The way things are run is that it is treated the same way as cigarette smoking, although the consensus is that clouds of vapor are not as bad as secondhand smoke.

Although the FDA seems at least neutral on the risks of vaping indoors, state laws vary.

Although the FDA considers vaping to be potentially safer than smoking, they still classify it as a tobacco product in the way that it is regulated. This regulation seems more oriented to how it is marketed and trying to limit sales to minors.