Tips to Your Addiction of Great PC Games and Online Games

Being addicted to PC games or online games is nothing to be ashamed of. Many people share the addiction with you and still like to get their hands on the game controllers. Relatives often don’t understand our online gaming addiction and try to intervene to save us. The truth is, we usually don’t want to save unless it has something to do with sticking to our previous level of PC gaming. So we’re our best judge, right?

Not really.

Here are five surefire ways to know when your online and PC gaming addiction has spiraled out of control.

1. Keeping your mini fridge and microwave within easy reach of your gaming desk can help the addiction get a little out of hand. Online gaming creates a craving for Hot Pockets like nothing else, and it’s just lazy to keep them that close. Walk at least a calorie or two around the house to the kitchen boys and girls.

2. If you can’t find your work files because you have too many game downloads in your computer files, then you are probably highly addicted to online gaming. While you’re at it, clear at least 50 of those game site bookmarks you’ve collected. Maybe you can get some work done.

3. If your mouse needs to be replaced more than once a week, you probably suffer from PC gaming addiction. Gamers love to click that mouse, and if you reek of a 메이저사이트  game, the wall has been known to receive a flying mouse or two as well. If you find yourself swinging your mouse, it might be time to put the online games down for a while.

4. If you find that your last shower was two days earlier and you haven’t been off the computer chair all weekend, then you might be hooked too. Not many people will spend 48 hours trying to level up in a fantasy world. On the other hand, not many people can stay awake that long anyway. If you spend more time behind the keyboard than in bed, you’re probably spending a little too much time on the game station.

5. If being one of the first to get the latest hot PC games is higher on your priority list than say… your wedding, you may be addicted to online video games. There are people who stand in line for twenty four hours hoping to get a game before it sells out. (I know this…ahem…because of course I’ve seen it in others) Playing PC games can be so addictive.

If you recognize yourself in any of the above scenarios, don’t worry. You are far from alone out there. The key is to remember that games are just a form of entertainment and not a way of life…or are they?