Of Germs and Dryer Lint: The Importance of Air Duct Cleaning

There are a lot of things you’re likely to see while strolling behind your house. It is possible to spot an outdoor grill or kid’s playset or even the lawn mower you might have thought you put away last time you mow the lawn. What you are probably not expecting to see are tiny particles of lint floating through the air. If you observe that this is happening, it’s time to call an air cleaning company. You are aware that duct cleaning services can get rid of contaminants and germs from your cooling and heating system’s air ducts. However, this service can be valuable for your dryer.

The lint you’re experiencing is coming from your dryer vent. It is dispersing while your loads of clothes are drying. The primary function of the vent in the dryer can be to draw heat and dust from the dryer, this lint may grow out of control and result in a large buildup within the dryer vent cleaning as well as within the inner workings within the drying machine itself. If enough debris is coming out the dryer vent that you can see it, it’s an indication that there is many lint particles in the dryer vent, and it must be cleared quickly and efficiently and that means it has to be handled by an expert in air duct cleaning.

A professional air duct cleaning service will notice that there is a lot of lint in the dryer vent. This is a major issue due to two reasons. The first reason is that the buildup can affect the effectiveness of the machine. It is possible to not notice the buildup of lint in your dryer’s vent, or even see it spill out to your yard, however you could be noticing that your dryer does not appear to be the same temperature as it once did or that the clothes you wash are being dried out with a damp. This happens because the buildup of lint inside the dryer vent blocks it from circulating properly and which cut off the amount of time the dryer can dry your central vacuum cleaning. This means that the dryer will consume more energy to operate it, and you’ll have run every load several times in order to ensure that the clothes are dry.

The second, most serious issue vents for dryers which is brimming with dust is the risk of an explosion. The accumulation of lint could cause a fire when a spark from the dryer strikes the lint, causing fires that have lots of fuel. The flames could then spread rapidly throughout the wall of your house and cause significant destruction before you realize that the fire has begun. A professional in air duct cleaning will effectively remove the accumulation of lint out of the dryer vent as well as the inside of the dryer’s workings.